Today I walk the entire perimeter of Lake Fayetteville, though my watch did not record the full distance. In the Medical Department, I receive the lab report from the podiatrist which was good news. I...
I’ve seen several medical professionals this week. One of them was a new experience for me. I have never been to a podiatrist, but now I know what it is like. The exam room was...
The project for a good diet is a constantly-changing thing. According to Angela, I’m doing quite well, though. And I feel good about my diet. As my ability to take in calories improves, I am...
On the trail today in the early morning, I see a crawfish (also known as a crawdad or mudbug) and think it’s a scorpion. It crawls across the concrete of the trail in front of...
It’s exciting to be getting closer to walking a complete loop around my favorite course at Lake Fayetteville, though after all this time I am still not sure exactly how long that loop is. I’ve...
When people notice how much weight I have lost, they often ask me how I did it. What diet I would recommend. And at this point I can only say what I have done, what...
“From life’s school of war: what does not kill me makes me stronger” — Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols Gettin’ All Nietzschean on y’all. While I need to be careful not to overdo it,...
I am happy to be working out pretty hard in the gym now. If feels good, and I’m not afraid of using the arm that has been giving me trouble. I don’t think I’ll damage...
We live in a world of abundance. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas. No one is going to steal your idea and make it into something big. Because it is not only the inspiration,...
Medical Department: My general practitioner looked at the special Neck x-ray that I had done recently, and said a bunch of words like “degenerative” and “calcification”. Words over five syllables just sound scary. So the...
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