I lost 1.8 pounds last night. It’s a constant battle trying to increase the calories I can burn in a day. It’s the Battle for Metabolism. I acquire an inversion table and try it out....
I keep close track of calories, trying to slowly cut to a point that would level me out at 204 pounds, the weight I was at the end of the contest, but without starving and...
I see my general practitioner, who breaks down the possible causes of my arm pain. He also displays his artistic skills on a sheet of exam table paper, preserved here as the featured image. The...
I visit my doctor and get some information about what might be happening to my back and causing the arm pain that I have been experiencing. Heading out under the light of the moon on...
Today I learn something from Dave Jackson’s Logical Weight Loss podcast: calories burned depends on, among other things, total body weight. So I’ll be getting more accurate information from my fitness watch now as I...
I start the workout coming straight from the grocery store, which makes an excellent opportunity for an accurate diet report. I discover my medical mantra, which is “Take care of yourself, your body is your...
I find myself a twelve-hour drive away from home on a short trip to the east. In a hotel that is way too hip for me, I find a gym and record the first ever...
It is the first day of spring and a beautiful one, though it was freezing when I left for work this morning. I give a full definition of anabolism and catabolism in the first ever...
In addition to trying out my rain suit for the first time on the trail, I present a lengthy hydration report including a reference to what bodybuilders call anabolism, which, per BioNinja.com means “the synthesis...
The MOVE! Program at the VA is “a weight management, health promotion program designed to improve the lives of Veterans. MOVE!’s core ideas—encouraging healthy eating behavior, increasing physical activity, and promoting even small weight losses—are...
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