Living to 100 Years Old – Chiyo Miyako. Welcome to the 4th in our series on centenarians. Chiyo Miyako lived from 5/2/1901 to 7/22/2018, a total of 117 years, 81 days. She is #8 on...
Welcome to the 3rd in our series on centenarians. Misao Okawa lived from 3/5/1898 to 4/1/2015, a total of 117 years and 27 days. She is ninth on the list of all-time longest-lived people. Misao...
Welcome to the 2nd in our series on centenarians. Maria Esther Heredia Lecaro de Capovilla lived from 9/14/1889 to 8/27/2006, a total of 116 years and 347 days. She is #10 on the list of...
I’m starting a series on centenarians, people who live to be 100 years old or older, and specifically the people who have lived the longest, with documented proof. We’ll talk about each of the top...
Not amazing diet results? You hear and read a lot of hyperbole and it’s important to know how to take/use that information. I am in the Running: A FEVER gym today on the treadmill. I...
Today we are in the fashion department talking about a new pair of court shoes. I like doing interesting things for exercise and fun. Personally, I don’t see much fun in sitting on a stationary...
I’m recording in the car today because I have been out of action for several weeks. It is April Fools Day and the last workout was March 8. I was out because I had bursitis...
I think this falls under the auspices of the Mental Health Department. I took a vacation and I felt very differently. I was able to let go of the concerns of my day-to-day life. Staying...
The goal, if you want to live a long, happy, healthy life right up to the very end, is to stay active. One of the most interesting and pleasurably ways to do this is to...
This is the sixth and final episode in a series on brain chemicals which started with Episode 139 ( See episode 139 for an overview of these chemicals based on Simon Sinek’s speech “Why Leaders...
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