Don’t go to extremes. This is something I’m at times not very good at, for example, the exercise extreme that got me into my current ankle injury. At other times I’m probably too good at...
Once I went to my primary care physician Dr. Bicak. I told him about my dietician, who kept forgetting I didn’t like avocado. He said I could learn to like it. And I think that’s...
In the corporate world, I hear this buzzword. It’s not a major buzzword or buzz phrase, like “outside the box,” “unconscious bias,” etc. But in my world, I hear it now and then. It refers...
Makes me sad, I can’t deny it. I want to live a happy and healthy life and I’m not healthy now and not happy. Why? I can’t walk. I love walking. And I’m wracking my...
Perhaps you’ve heard me talk about how I can’t exercise, walk, etc lately and have wondered why. I suppose this is a good time to say I’ve been seeing the podiatrist again. Last year I...
Looking back, I got some really good advice from the dietician when I was having regular appointments with her. I know that experience drove the advice she gave me. She had seen plenty of people...
I think this was a great sort of directional adjustment in my exercise routine. I began regular resistance workouts, took shorter walks. These days I yearn for the times when I had so many activities...
In both episodes 68 and 69, I mentioned recovery foods, and it’s a good reminder not to starve myself, even though I’m not exercising near as much as I was when this episode was recorded....
In episode 68 I was really trying to move beyond the biggest loser contest, and fill out some gaps in my diet or supplement regimen. That contest was not healthy in the sense that to...
This is a great statement of how you don’t have to go crazy. Unfortunately, a lot of information you get is tied to supplemental products that you really don’t need. If you’re trying to do...
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