We have been experiencing a bit of a heat wave here in Northwest Arkansas, many consecutive 3-digit temperature days. Sunny days are nice, but at those temperatures, no one should be outside, and the electric bills skyrocket with the air conditioning constantly running all day. One of the things on my long-term to-do list is getting some shade trees planted. I planted some privacy trees a couple of years ago, but they will never be tall enough to provide shade. Long-term to-do list is a nice way of saying things I continually procrastinate. So I mainly just don’t go out in these temperatures, but even if it gets down to the chilly 80s, and I’m talking Fahrenheit here, for you people in Europe and any other places where you use Celsius as a temperature scale. In that case, it would be somewhere around 25-30 degrees. Even if it gets that cool, the advice here is good, drink plenty of water, wear loose clothing, and dog tags may help too, so if you die of heat exhaustion, whoever finds you will know where to send the body.

I had a COVID false alarm this week, negative, thank goodness, but I am still getting over the real bout from a month or so ago in some ways. I did have a decent breakfast this morning, sausage and an egg, which means some of my taste sensitivity or insensitivity is going away. Hard to describe, really. But what happens is that some things are just completely unappetizing to me. And because I eat out of habit, sometimes I don’t know until I start eating. So that’s good news.

We have just hit 40,000 downloads, so thank you for your continued interest in all of our topics here. Drop me a line at mail@runningafever.com if you’d like to comment. Maybe you have a suggestion for a future episode. We are now also available in the Samsung Podcasts app. I haven’t tried it yet, so maybe you android users could check it out and give me a review.

Otherwise, if you’ve got the fever keep it. If you don’t catch the fever and I’ll talk to you next time on Running: A FEVER.

Photo by asim alnamat: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-wearing-black-sunglasses-343717/

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