In episode 37 I took advantage of a rainy day to start weight training which I continued to great success. So far this year I have rejoined my gym. I didn’t work out much at home, including strength training.

Medical department

And now the pandemic world in which we have lived for over a year is going to continue to swirl around us, at least here in Arkansas, which is now one of the hot spots in a new resurgence of covid cases, which now include a lot more cases of the Delta variant, which apparently is even more sinister than the original virus.

So what at my workplace has been called “return to office” may now be “return to home office”, as the CDC is now recommending that even fully vaccinated people should mask and socially distance in public indoor places.

Persistence takes on a whole new meaning here. Well, it’s the same meaning, just a deeper level of commitment. But I am still committed to good health for myself and for you. So let’s all stick it out a while more, and hopefully, we’ll someday beat this thing for good.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Closing music courtesy of the band Repo Man

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