Loving my life is a full, whole life thing. I can’t just decide one day not to love my life. So how do I love my life when events make it seems unlovable. I...
A listener let me in on a new service offered by the NutriSystem company. They call it DNA Body Blueprint. Genetics impact how our bodies process the foods we eat. Some people are genetically disposed...
Last episode I interviewed Anasasia Strokova. I particularly wanted to know her opinion on dealing with the plethora of good and bad information available to those of us who want to live a healthy life....
In this first video interview I chat with Anastasia Strokova of Health Matters Coaching. We talked about what makes for a long life, and the book The Blue Zone Solution. In addition to being a...
Back in episode 45 I talked about trying on some jeans. At that point I had slimmed down to a about a size 38 from 44. I later bought a two pair of size 36...
My knee is giving me some trouble with some pain now and then. I don’t want to make these long walks a regular activity until I see the orthopedic surgeon. I have been going to...
Diet Department: I am now ten pounds below my target short-term maintenance weight. I’m already lighter than I have been in twenty-five years. My new target weight is 174 pounds. I have gone back to...
It has been a whole month since I recorded the last episode. I had a bachelor party weekend for a friend. It lasted a couple of days and included a number of activities. It was...
Front Page Last week I went through a tunnel on my walk. I’ve been thinking of the tunnel as a metaphor for obsession, particularly in fitness. I made fitness my number one priority, but I...
This week I went to a new restaurant that had very innovative dishes. I had a Greek salad which had red bell pepper and green olives instead of tomatoes and black olives, and no red...
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