Perhaps you’ve heard me talk about how I can’t exercise, walk, etc lately and have wondered why.

I suppose this is a good time to say I’ve been seeing the podiatrist again. Last year I came in with the callus, I was calling a corn in episode 72. A procedure he recommended, short of serious surgery, I had in January since I wanted to wait until I had a fresh deductible.

By the time I got in to see him for the procedure, I had the tendon issue that I have had in the past. So we started working on that as well. The symptom is pain, during walking, as I lift my back foot. The problem is that I have a bone spur. They gave me an x-ray in the office and he showed me a lot of extra bone in various parts of my foot, but the heel is my problem. It’s just inflamed.

So the first thing was to give me a steroid prescription and some exercises. I didn’t really do the exercises, unfortunately, but I took the pills. Not much changed.

So I went back in for the follow-up to my callus procedure, which was just taking out a chunk of the callus the same way they take biopsies. The next step in fixing my Achilles problem was to give me two hip shots, one another steroid and one a powerful anti-inflammatory. I also got more pills which are kind of a supercharged Aleve/Celebrex kind of thing.

We’ll see how it goes. One thing for sure, with all those anti-inflammatories I have none of the usual aches and pains. Though I’m sure it’s not good for my liver.

In any event, the important thing is that I’m taking action on my problems, getting treatment and diagnosis from somebody who really knows their stuff. That’s why this podcast is not just about exercise or diet, but medicine as well. It is just as important.

RAF143 Achilles Tendon Injury
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:

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