In this episode, I am ramping up my resistance training. Something I’m trying to be more consistent at here in 2021.

I am also overdoing it. As much as I have had this problem of going to a higher intensity than my body can handle, I should have learned by now. It’s also unlike me. I’m more likely to do things very slowly, a little at a time, in the rest of my life. But sometimes, I seem to have only two speeds in exercise: fast and stop.

So what can I do about that? Well, I think keeping records of my progress helps. I don’t know if I was doing it at the time of this episode, but I soon started logging all the weights and reps I was doing. I could look at the previous workout, and if I was at the high end of the rep range, I could try a higher weight. I could try to get another rep in if I was below that. I could spread the muscle groups I worked on between several days, with rest days built-in. So that’s what I want to work on now as I cross the threshold of discomfort into a good habit of regular resistance training.

And, of course, I can also use moderation in other areas.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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