Here we are 28 episodes into the Shattering-the-Yoyo series. I’m not sure how, in episode 56, I got from saying I’m going to stay the same weight for six months, to “I need to ease down”. Seems kind of like I was cheating. I was already in really good shape at this point. There should have not been a lot of urgency to lose weight, and the battle for metabolism was in full swing.
In going back to 2018 I’m not saying I want to do everything I did back then. That I did everything right. Far from it. The idea is that I did some things wrong again and that’s why I wound up riding the yoyo again. So I’m learning. I am learning from both my mistakes and from the things I did right.

Also in this episode, I think I demonstrated another benefit of tracking caloric intake. If I had not been tracking this along with my weight changes, I would not have been able to make a judgment about whether my metabolism was increasing or decreasing, and roughly how many calories I could burn in a day, and the level of activity and kinds of food I would need to eat in order to burn those calories.

For this to work, all of these parameters have to be reasonable. If I’m burning 3000 calories a day but I have to spend a couple of hours on the stationary bike to do it, that’s not reasonable. If I have to eat nothing but peppers and boiled chicken that isn’t reasonable either. So it’s good that I’m tracking diet, calories, and activity along with weight. I never actually got to tracking my macros, although I talked about it. It’s adding a lot really, though I think it might help.

UPDATE 11/6/21 – Week 10. Progress? Well, I’ve lost 4 pounds, and my weight has stayed the same the last 2 days, through some cheating. But I think I have managed to keep the cheating to one meal a day, and have had very light meals otherwise. My daily menu now consists usually of V8 for my first meal, then light yogurt or an apple for the second and third. Then I may have turkey tacos or brats or sausages with no buns and just mustard for supper.

So I have mentioned my Achilles or heel injury. It causes me to limp. But I already had a limp due to the callus on my other foot. So now I’m in a double limp situation. You’d think they might cancel each other out, but in fact, I’m favoring my right foot more. Perhaps because the pain is more intense there.

I’m sleeping well, not getting any exercise due to my injuries. But I’m putting more steps on. I don’t want to overdo it, but I’ve had a couple of 3,000 step days, typically it’s just under 2,000. I just got a new mower, and I’ll have to mow in November in Arkansas. Kind of weird. Hopefully just one more time, but that should help me burn a few more calories.

But there are a couple of areas that need improvement. Hydration is one, need to drink more water. And I keep forgetting to get started on weight training again.
These are all important aspects to living a long, healthy, happy, active life right up to the very end. And that’s the goal.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

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