Almost everyone is concerned about how to get the COVID-19 vaccines now that they are becoming more available.

Did you know that you may be able to get it even if you are not “eligible”?

First of all, are you eligible? The criteria are different for each state, so you should definitely check out your local information. A link to the vaccine pages for every state and British Columbia can be found here:

There are plenty of easy ways to sign up for an appointment or get on the waiting list if you cannot get an appointment right away.

If you ARE eligible:

Check with your state’s information page. You may be able to sign up directly there, or there may be a phone number to call to get scheduled.

Ask at your local pharmacy. Wherever you get your prescription medications, you can probably get the vaccine there. The major national chains have information on their websites:

At you can schedule right there on the page:

At CVS you can find the location of your nearest store where the vaccine can be obtained:

Walmart is another national pharmacy chain that is distributing the vaccine:

Consult local hospitals and clinics. I got my first shot at a community clinic run by a charity organization.

If you are NOT eligible:

You can sign up to get on the stand-by list for unused vaccines. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have to be kept at very low freezing temperatures. When a dose is thawed it must be used within a 6-hour period. To prevent those doses from going to waste, this list is being compiled. You must respond within 15 minutes of receiving a text that a vaccine is available:

You should also check with your employer to see if they have a waiting list. The vaccines are sometimes distributed directly to employers. Since some people do not want the vaccine just yet, It speeds things up to have a list of people who want it.

Finally, there is a site with nationwide information at:

There you can enter your zip code and find the nearest location offering a vaccine.

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Stay safe and well, and God bless.

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