“I’m just like Joe Cool. I’m lookin’ good today, I’m feelin’ good, it’s another beautiful day.” Daniel J. Lewis is the RSS Guru. 10,000 steps per day is considered a good amount of exercise. But even walking a mile and a half of intentional exercise, I have not achieved that yet. Wearing the super-cool, ultra-groovy opthalmalogical sunglasses, I went for a record 1.5 miles at a faster pace (possibly because I was looking so darn cool). Speeding up the pace is something I am trying to do each day because that will get me to running more, instead of walking most of the workout. But I also want to be sure I walk enough to warm up before running. My gear watch was more useful today, discovered it will remind me when I am slowing down.


Weight: 269
Water: 20 ounces
Distance (total): 1.5 miles
Run: 15 seconds
Goal: 11.5-mile run in a day by 11/18/18

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