The period when I was consulting with a dietician on a regular basis was a good learning time for me. That was really what it was about, so after a while, I really felt like the sessions were not as valuable to me. If you’re taking lessons on doing anything, there comes a time when you have to evaluate whether you’re using your time valuably — is that a word? I think I may have just made it up.

I am still using smart balance and olive oil mayonnaise. Every now and then I find a healthier food alternative that costs me nothing in flavor at all, these are 2 examples. Recently I tried some sugar-free Reese’s peanut butter cups. And they taste just as good as the real thing. I haven’t checked the calorie difference though, so need more research.

One valuable thing I have learned from this episode is another exercise I can do at home. I think at this time I still did not have a gym membership, so it’s a good point in the series for that. So I’m going to try some of the ab exercises.

UPDATE 9/25/21. This week I have missed exercise a few times and also not counted calories or weighed myself every day. These are foundational keys to success I think, and binding them all together is the power of habit. That’s why it’s important to just get on the stationary bike no matter how long I use it and to pick up the weights on my resistance training days no matter how much lifting I do.

Today I am 281 pounds, significantly heavier. But my weight has fluctuated wildly this week. One day I was down 8 pounds in the 4th week, 2 pounds lost per week. And today I am 7 pounds up, almost 2 pounds gained per week on average. It’s a long trudge to a healthy weight, and I need to keep putting more weeks into the average to get a good trend going.

So today I weighed myself and got back on the bike. And I’ll count my calories and trudge on.
In other news, I had my annual biometrics measurement at work this week, the main significance of which is that I know some stats about myself. My BMI is 38, almost 10 points over the allowed level, so I will be paying the fat tax this year. I haven’t been calculating my BMI and my scale still is not giving me that info. But based on what happened in 2018 I have a pretty good idea of what my weight should be. No doubt I have lost some of the muscle mass gained back then, but I’m not too concerned about it. And I plan to increase my resistance training.

There is still much work to do!

Finally, we’ve reached our 4-year anniversary! Thanks for listening and making this a fun, and enlightening, and valuable exercise for me.

Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

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