Welcome to the 5th year of Running: A FEVER!

Several episodes discuss the importance of water and how much you need. Currently, I’m not being very intentional about that. Should be easier since I am working from home still most of the time. I am drinking, but usually, it’s coffee or soda.

The standard menu during this time is oatmeal, yogurt, chili, jerky.

Metabolism continues to be an issue, which is why I am now trying to be very deliberate and patient about the rate of my weight loss.

UPDATE 10/2/21 – Well after 4 weeks I was at the same weight as when I started. And though I have usually been patient about this, it’s starting to seem like I shouldn’t be returning to that initial number. I’m falling down on the job in several respects in the last few days, in how I’m eating, how I’m exercising, and how I am keeping track (or not) of my daily caloric intake. So now I am faced with the discomfort period again which I have discussed before as the starting point for establishing a new good habit. So I’m on it. And hopefully, I’ll see some better results in my next update, at least a halt to the regression I’m experiencing now. You keep on working to have that long, healthy, happy active life right up to the very end, and so will I.

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