Today I got my first COVID vaccine shot. It was the Moderna vaccine. Two shots are required one month apart. I got my first one today (March 23, 2021) and my next one will be on April 20. I’ll let you know how that one goes as well. I went to Springdale Community Clinic, which is a ministry of St. Francis House in Northwest Arkansas. It’s the first time I’ve been there, but I believe it is a clinic for anyone whether you have insurance or not. I heard about it from someone at work, who gave me a phone number. I texted VACCINE to that number. Later they called me back. They asked what my qualifying characteristic was. In my state, we are in Phase Ic, and that includes IT workers, of which I am one. It also includes people in the food production industry, which is the industry of the company I work for.

When I got to the clinic I had to answer a few questions and sign a consent form. Then I sat down to wait to get the shot. They gave me a five-page fact sheet published by Moderna. You can get it here:

I found it interesting that they mentioned several times that this was not an FDA-approved drug. There is an “Emergency Use Authorization” for this unapproved vaccine.

It was pretty crowded in this particular clinic, despite the scheduling/appointment structure. Not exactly packed, but too crowded to socially distance, though people were trying to distance. Everyone was wearing a mask. But this is not all they do, it’s a clinic, so there were no doubt other people there who were not there for the vaccine.

Eventually, a caregiver took me to an examination room. She asked me some questions, like whether I had cancer or HIV, if I had received any vaccine in the last two weeks, and if I had ever tested positive for COVID-19. She gave me the shot in the arm of my choice, then I went back to the lobby waiting area and was told I needed to stay for fifteen minutes in case I had an immediate reaction. There was an information desk in the lobby, and they called me up after my time was up and asked me if I was feeling well. Then we set my appointment for the second shot, and I was given a card to prove that I had been vaccinated, and a sticker (see the featured image for this post).

I’m not a doctor, and everyone’s situation is unique, so you need to make your own decision. But barring any complicating issues, I suggest you get the shot, as the risks, I believe, do not outweigh the importance of slowing the spread of the virus.

Please leave a comment and tell me your vaccination experience and what you thought of this episode.

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