I’m trying to remember some of the exercises I was doing when I was in physical therapy to use as I warm up to protect that Achilles tendon after that rupture last year. I’ve been having trouble with it recently, It’s nothing major but some discomfort in that area, so I’m being extra careful today.

I’m just trying to do the same thing I did last time today. The important thing is to make a good habit of coming out here. Today, I am sporting the old man’s uniform: black shirt, black shorts, white legs, black socks, and two-year-old walking shoes that look brand new because I have hardly used them.

I’m taking it very easy today. I don’t want to hurt anything. I was talking to a mentor/friend of mine recently. He knows all the problems I have because I come to him for advice. He asked me if I had been exercising. I had to be honest because what’s the point of asking for advice if you’re not honest? I’ve been making excuses to myself, but today, I came out right after work. It was even later than I usually get off work.

It’s just October, which, depending on where you are, can feel like any of three different seasons. It’s in the 80s today, which feels like summer. When I was living in Massachusetts, it snowed in October, so you could say it was winter, I guess.

I was at a baby shower today. These are not just for ladies anymore. I’ve been to several. And this one was at work. And I work in an industry where the worker bees are mostly men. The only woman there was the mother. It’s a good thing, a celebration of life.

I am in a complaining mood today. My posture’s getting worse because I haven’t done the exercises or used the traction machine like I was when I was making progress in that area. I lost thirty pounds this year, but I have gained it back. My back is hurting more the farther along I get on the trail, which is what happens when I am overweight and walk any small distance. I don’t like the way I look or the way I feel. I do not feel comfortable when I’m overweight, despite the fact that I have been overweight almost all of my adult life.

The good news is that I did lose thirty pounds this year. I found out when I went to my second appointment with the gastroenterologist. I was told I had to lose weight back in February. He didn’t say how much I needed to lose, but I thought twenty pounds would be a good and safe amount for six months. But I didn’t start keeping track until March, so I didn’t know about that other ten pounds.

So in almost six years of doing this, I haven’t really got how to be a healthy weight. As much as I’ve learned, I’m still doing the yo-yo thing. And I know how to be a healthy weight, but actually doing those things is a different story.

But I’m out the first time, and that is absolutely necessary in order to go out the second and third time, etc.

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