Episode 50 is a really good example of adapting to circumstances in order to stay on my health journey and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I have a tendency to want to not do something if I can’t do it the same way I always do. But I was able to break out of this by finding a place to exercise. In this case, I got on a treadmill, which I had rarely done in the past.

I also maintained my healthy diet on the trip by taking what I needed with me, and learning how to eat healthy even at Wendy’s.

I can’t express how powerful this concept is. Things always come up in life that interrupts the plan. They tend to break good habits, they can be the turning point between a good habit and a bad habit. But if I can adapt, each time I am able to do that I gain more strength in my ability to continue on, and become more prepared for threats to my good habits that may come, that will come, in the future.

So today, I’m adapting to not being able to walk by using my stationary bike. I’m adapting to a restricted gym due to covid masking, by lifting weights at home. I’m adapting to not having a fridge at work and being limited in my ability to eat due to mask requirements, by working around the workday with my meal times and adapting to what I can eat in and around my workplace.

UPDATE 10/12 – I’m at the beginning of week 7 and I have gained 1 pound. So the average is around 1/6 of a pound per week gained. I have gotten on the bike the last couple of days increasing my time each day. Honestly, I think my regular days are fine, but too many times I have yielded to temptation leading to an outlier meal that throws off my whole day calorie-wise.

I have been able to get more sleep lately and that makes a huge difference. Exercise is easier, and I feel less stressed throughout the day and, in combination with the exercise reduces my stress and gives me more energy. So if those things go well I get more work done at work, and as a result, I am less stressed.

Vicious Cycle Department – I think one problem with my sleep is eating too much later at night. I’ve been trying to eat at about 5pm and not very heavy. I had 2 brats last night with no buns. One would have been enough. And peanut butter and crackers, which I heard about on one of these old episodes as a dessert. But that only works if I just eat 2, instead of about 15 which is approximately what I had last night.

The most significant event this week is that I made an appointment with my podiatrist for next Monday. The weather hear in NWA is gorgeous and I just can’t stand not being able to walk around Lake Fayetteville and the other places, as I listen to these old episodes in which I was always taken by the beauty of it all.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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