So here is the problem. You can hear by the sound of my voice, that I am trying to speak to myself with this rational idea of losing weight slowly, gaining health not losing weight, etc. But there is still a kind of pride there. And you know the old saying ‘pride goeth before a fall?’ It comes from the book of Proverbs, chapter 16, verse 18. In the King James Version of the Bible it goes like this:

“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”

Here’s a little tip, if you hear words like “goeth” you’re probably looking at a quote from the King James Version of the Bible.

Okay, so much for the Literature Department. That may actually be the first report from that department on this show, though there has been a lot of grammar talk.

Anyway, the point is, here I am, 3 years later, and sure enough, I couldn’t keep the weight off, so maybe I ought to take my own advice and that of the professionals I consulted, and not let pride get in the way of me doing this thing right this time.

By the way, I eventually got down to 25% body fat, at 195 pounds. But unfortunately, I didn’t stay there. Are we learning yet?

UPDATE: 8/30/21. So now that I have my scale I’m weighing every day, though this morning I wasn’t nekkid, but I had less on than the day before. And didn’t get my body fat b/c I had my sox on. It’s still not uploading, but I’ll eventually get it working.

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