My plan is to “shatter the yo-yo” that has been the course of my weight throughout my life. Up and down and back up again. 2020 was a rough year for my health, and I put on a lot of weight.

So now I’m turning back to what I did right and what I did wrong in 2018 when I saw a drastic improvement in my health.

COVID-wise, things are really getting back to normal in my area. There are few places in which masks and/or social distancing is required. I rejoined my old gym yesterday after quitting toward the end of 2020.

I looked back at episode #29 ( At that time I was dealing with a knee injury that kept me out of commission for about six weeks. I learned how to treat an injury and it has helped me deal with other injuries in the last couple of years.

Another thing that that injury, as well as the one I’m dealing with now, helps with is that I appreciate what I have in terms of mobility. It motivates me to exercise when I am able, because I now know that ability is not something to be taken for granted.

In early 2018 I was starting the infamous Biggest Loser contest and I have since learned to stay away from crash weight loss because it is dangerous. And, in the TV show, most of the people who lost a lot of weight eventually gained it back.

I think I have learned my lessons from back then and I’m optimistic about shattering the yoyo this year!

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