“Breaking News” …. I am going to be taking a break from the regular release schedule starting now (November 2019).

I think it’s important to explain this to you and what the near future holds for the Running: A FEVER podcast. It’s now been two years since we started, so congratulations! In November 2017 I was exercising once per day and recording once per day. I released episodes weekly at that point. Becuase the show was mostly just about my journey and my personal experience on the road to better health, I was able to do twice-weekly episodes even after going to a more reasonable exercise schedule. The episodes have been coming out every Wednesday and Friday since February of 2018.

Some things have changed along the way. For one thing, I have added topics to the episode content, because I find things I want to learn about, and share my understanding of them with you so that you can learn as well. I have also had listeners tell me they want to know more about a particular topic, and that has turned into an episode. This takes more time, so I can’t just record an episode with no preparation. Another issue is that for one reason after another, I have been unable to exercise for a lot more of the year than I would like.

So recently I haven’t been able to record as far ahead of schedule as I have in the past. I would rather not just come to the microphone and say “Well, it’s Friday, so here I am. I don’t know what we’re going to talk about, so….” I think you deserve better than that.

So I will not be releasing on a regular schedule for a while. I’m not sure how long the break will be, but I am setting a deadline of the first Wednesday in June. I am very confident that the issues I am dealing with now will be resolved before then.

I want to make it clear that I am not stopping my work on Running: A FEVER. If you listen to a lot of podcasts, you have probably heard a show like this, and it winds up being the last time you hear from the host. That is not the case here. I have episodes recorded that I have not produced. I have episodes written that I have not recorded, and I have many many ideas that have not been fleshed out into episode outlines.

So, you may be asking what you are going to do without two new episodes every week. Glad you asked! I have a number of suggestions, ‘homework’ if you will, and here they are:

First, if you haven’t listened to every episode of the podcast, I recommend that you do so now. This is a story, and to really understand what’s going on now, you need to know the history, and you can get that by listening to every episode starting with Episode 0. And even if you have heard them all, you might want to go back and re-listen, after all, it has been two years.

Second, if you haven’t seen the videos, go to http://RunningAFEVER.com/YouTube and check them out. Not necessarily for the podcast episodes that you have heard in the feed, but some of these episodes have ‘live videos’ which are more than the same content, such as my recipe videos and reviews like the one I did for the Abeo Active Walking Shoe. I edit those separately so there will be different content involved. I also have videos that are not associated with an episode at all. I tried a daily VLOG for a while. I uploaded bonus footage for a couple of episodes including the demolition derby and a visit to the Wonder House at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. I also have a Behind the Scenes playlist, which includes videos that have nothing to do with the topic of the podcast, but are things like videos about the equipment I use. But if you like me, you might like these other videos.

While you’re listening to the old episodes, please take notes, either mentally or physically, and let me know what you think. There is nothing I love more than getting feedback from listeners, and also just hearing about your own health journey.

If you’re reading this, you know I also have a blog, so you should also check out all of the blog posts and other content at http://RunningAFEVER.com. And if you like my writing, I would love for you to read my books, which are available on the Resources page http://RunningAFEVER.com/Resources. I am a writer. I am doing a lot more of that lately, which is great, and I have even started a book about my fitness journey and all the good things that happened in the first year of that journey.

So I hope you understand my reasons for taking a break. If you like it or don’t like it, please let me know by going to the Contacts page or sending me an email at mail@runningafever.com, or by commenting her or on the YouTube channel. I’m definitely not taking a break from interacting with you, so I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Finally, if you are still reading, I know you have THE FEVER, so my last request is that you share it with others.

Thanks for reading and listening and watching, and I will talk to you next time on Running: A FEVER.

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