A listener let me in on a new service offered by the NutriSystem company. They call it DNA Body Blueprint.

Genetics impact how our bodies process the foods we eat. Some people are genetically disposed to have a higher metabolism, so it is easier for them to burn fat and lose weight, physically at least. Others are naturally slow at burning calories and for them it takes more activity to burn the same calories. We are all individuals, which is why there is no one solution for weight management.

If all of these genetically different people use the same nutrisystem product, some will have more or less success simply because of their genes. Hence the new product. Here’s how it works: (1) You pay $99.99, for which you are sent a kit to take a DNA sample; (2) You send a cheek swab back; (3) NutriSystem analyzes your DNA and provides a report to help you tailor your NutriSystem plan to your specific genetic signature.

One thing that genetics probably cannot take into account is our own preferences for food and types of exercise. If I can find foods that I like that are also healthy, and activities I enjoy that also keep me fit, I will be able to continue these habits all the way through to my 120th year and beyond. NutriSystem plans have been criticized for the lack of long-term success for their customers, and due to this concept, I think they are at best a partial solution for weight management.


Weight (change since Jan 2018): 204 (-70)
Workout time: 85 Minutes
Total Distance (total since Nov 2017): 4.21 Miles (162.1)
Steps: 12,963
Goals: (1) Run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18 (2) Lose 100lbs by 12/25/18

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