This episode is a quick update on what’s going on with me, just another human living in the age of COVID-19. It is mid-may as I record, on a wet day at Lake Atalanta, the city park in Rogers, Arkansas.

For no apparent reason, I’ll relate this anecdote. Last night something turned over my garbage and recycling containers outside. Seemed like it would be something bigger than a racoon to turn over such a relatively large container.

I wanted to make a correction to something I related in episode 209. At the time I was not wearing a mask, nor was I doing so even when I was not exercising. I am definitely wearing a mask when I go out now. Today I am in a very unpopulated place and outside, so I am not, but I did cover my mouth and nose when I passed the only other person I saw (who also happened to be masked).

I also said the main reason for a mask was to keep you from touchiing your face. Which is a good reason. But the main reason is that it keeps us, nominally, from transmitting the virus to others through droplets we shed by coughing, sneezing, or anything similar. Be sure to wear a mask when you go out among others.

This helps us retard the spread of the virus generally, which helps everyone and gets us closer to getting back to normal. It’s for others, not for yourself, that you wear a mask.

Gym update — mine is now open. Racquetball is not allowed, but limited space is available in classes, cardio, and weight-lifting areas. Masks are required when not exercising, and of course they are doing more thorough and regular cleaning. In the meantime I am using dumbbells I have at home and taking these walks.

Work update — my company is planning to start bringing some people back to the office at the beginning of June.

Curve update — The peak new cases per day was over 30,000 in the U.S. in March. A few days ago it was less than 20,000, so the curve is flattening and good news is coming slowly.

I have been surprised at how well information is being sent out. Experts are being consulted and guidelines are coordinated. Our state is having daily press conferences with the governor and the secretary of the department of health, who happens to be an epidemiologist. Something about seeing the governer wearing a mask as he approaches the podium (they are sent to him by various organizations around the state and have different designs), makes me think it’s probably a good idea to continue to be vigilant and wear the mask myself.

We need to act together as a society in order to have success in this.

Thanks for reading and listening!

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