Welcome. The biggest thing I get from this episode is adaptation. When life throws something at me that knocks me off course, like COVID, for example, or a torn Achilles tendon, I need to adapt. If I have an injury I can look at alternate modes of exercise. I can switch hands if I’m having trouble with one hand. If I can’t go outside because of a pandemic, I can workout with weights or a stationary bike at home. If I’m completely unable to exercise, I can adjust my diet accordingly so I don’t gain weight from idleness.

I have to be more careful with aggressiveness if that’s not too much of a contradiction. I’m prone to injury when I get too aggressive with my exercise. And I certainly didn’t do myself any good by being aggressive in my dieting in early 2018 when I was basically starving myself. But there is no victory without risk, and I need to remember to take small risks when appropriate. I have evening plans tomorrow. Can I risk being late to work in some exercise? Maybe so. That’s a small risk that gives me a good reward. I’ll feel better the rest of the night, and will probably be on time anyway.

So, learn to adapt and be cautiously aggressive when appropriate. I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode. Don’t forget to keep that fever burning if you’ve got it and to catch it if you don’t. I’ll talk to you next time on Running: A FEVER.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/young-ethnic-male-with-laptop-screaming-3799830/

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