I kind of wanted to talk about time today. I also wanted to mention that I saw a news article about “Long COVID” and some new information about it, so hopefully, that will show up in a future episode. I’ve wanted to learn something new about that for a long time. I know there is a study I’ve checked on a couple of times and have not seen anything new. A long-term study on COVID.

I watched a new TV show over the weekend. It’s a post-apocalyptic story. Basically, two societies are intermixing a little bit after a long period of being completely separated. One of the societies is isolated from the world. It’s underground. They have their own society, and it’s closed off. The other one is out in the wide-open spaces of the world. The underground society has been underground for two hundred years. A really long time. Multi-generational. One of the leaders said, “We have an advantage.” Their idea is that they are going to bring order to the chaotic post-apocalyptic world on the surface. It is an arrogant point of view, but it is also optimistic. He said, “The advantage we have is time.” Time, because they were devoted to an idea that is a multi-generational idea. In other words, in your generation, you might not see the fruits of your efforts in a lifetime. You are working sacrificially for an end goal that will take multiple generations to achieve.

It’s a big, serious, philosophical concept when you think about it—that idea of going beyond yourself to better the world. Not just to better it within your lifetime by your presence in it but to better it in the future by the little things you do that are limited. These people are physically limited.

I’ve often talked about how I could fill up seventy-two hours in a day. But since I only have twenty-four hours, I have to live longer to get done the things I want to do. The truth is I waste a lot of time.

I didn’t stretch my back before I came out today, but I’m feeling pretty good—not a lot of pain.

You and I can remember when I was doing many more episodes out here, maybe recording three or four times a week. In the beginning, I recorded every day, releasing two episodes a week. And I managed to get along. So what else am I doing to fill my time if I’m not doing these things? These inspirational things, these good things, these healthy things. Well, I know, I have to be honest. I spend too much time in front of the computer. And that’s something I want to change. In the past, I would read while eating, which must be possible if I was doing it. I have to get used to doing it, but I’m sure I could do it. I know there are foods I could eat, like granola, popcorn, or something like that. I could read the way I normally do and just reach for it. But I think I could also have what we call sit-down meals and read, and I’m going to try that to see if it still works.

Time is very important and very valuable. We have a limited time, and then the next generation comes along. So maybe I shouldn’t be thinking about how I can live a long life to do what I want to do and think about the life of the human race. Go and ponder that one. I’m looking forward to hearing your reactions. So until then, if you’ve got the fever, keep it burning, and if you don’t go out and catch the fever today. And I will talk to you next time on Running: A FEVER.

Image by Gerd Altmann


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