Determined to find my way back on my first walk at Skull Creek, I walk a bit long. It’s an adventure.

In summertime it is important to be aware of the signs of heat-related diseases. You can find some great information at the Mayo Clinic website:

Some of the symptoms of heat stroke or heat exhaustion are nausea, feeling light-headed or dizzy, irritability, impaired vision, headaches and cramps. Dehydration is another danger, so be sure to drink more water when the weather is hot.

Speaking of hydrating, I finally tried an idea for a smoothie with sour fruit, and I think it worked out pretty well. Here’s the recipe:

Running: A FEVER Sour Fruit Smoothie


1 grapefruit
2 lemons
1 Granny Smith apple
1 cup Lime Juice

A day ahead of time, peel grapefruit and lemons and divide into pieces of a few sections. Slice apple into 1/2 inch sections. Put all of this in a plastic container and freeze overnight. When ready to serve, put all frozen contents along with the lime juice into a blender and blend. Pour into cups, salt to taste, and serve.

So what if you start seeing things, or you take your rectal temperature and it turns out to be 105? 104 is the danger level. There are several actions you can take:

1. Losen your clothing.
2. Get out of the heat as soon as possible.
3. Cool your body. Pour cool water on yourself, rest, and send someone for help if necessary and possible. The ideal way is to immerse yourself in icewater.

Be safe our there. You might want to save this information for the next time you are out in hot weather.

Weight (change since Jan 2018): 215 (-59)
Workout time: 150 Minutes
Total Distance (total since Nov 2017): 5.73 Miles (141.84)
Steps: 19,180
Goals: (1) Run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18 (2) Lose 100lbs by 12/25/18

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