I start the workout coming straight from the grocery store, which makes an excellent opportunity for an accurate diet report. I discover my medical mantra, which is “Take care of yourself, your body is your most important asset.” Oatmeal, the superfood, comes in flavors that add 30-100 calories, but provide a little variety. Edamame is available in the area of the frozen foods section where natural foods are found.

It’s important not only to think positively but to talk positively, because psychologically they are the same. Saying things like “I’ve always been overweight,” or “I’ve never been able to stick to an exercise program,” are examples of the opposite. If we say these things enough times we start to believe them, and it is near impossible to accomplish something I don’t believe I can do.

Using my left hand to operate my mouse at work has been life-changing. It is difficult and weird to use the mouse, but other things are also affected. Using the keyboard feels different. I hesitate when performing some tasks because I have to rethink how to do them. It feels like a mental challenge. I look forward to exercising my brain muscle in this way.

Weight (change since Nov 2017): 215 (-54)
Weight loss since Jan 2018: 59
Workout time: 64 Minutes
Total Distance (total since Nov 2017): 2.35 Miles (68.14)
Run Distance: 0 Miles
Steps: 14528
Goals: (1) Run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18 (2) Lose 100lbs by 12/25/18

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