“From life’s school of war: what does not kill me makes me stronger”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

Gettin’ All Nietzschean on y’all. While I need to be careful not to overdo it, I occasionally need to stretch beyond my current abilities in order to foster positive change in my being. Like going an additional unknown distance on my walks. However, I do need to prepare for challenges. I regret not taking Advil today, and complain about my discomfort a bit.

There is a lot of information available about bodybuilding supplements. It can be hard to sort out which information is reliable, but sometimes we just have to rely on our judgement and make logical choices based on assumptions. According to MuscleForLife.com, you don’t need supplements to have a great body. So that is the first thing you need to know, and it even lends some credibility to the source. The author does sell his own brand of supplements though. The idea is that if you can’t get the nutrients you need from natural foods, supplements are a convenient and acceptable substitute.

I believe I am getting all of the protein I need from my current diet of natural foods. However, I believe that human physiology has not advanced nearly as much as our mental and technological capacity. And since we can’t get wooly mammoth meat anymore, we may need to use our advanced scientific and medical knowledge to supplement natural foods that we can get, which may be nutritionally deficient due to breeding for transportability and other aspects of an economically viable food industry.

The bottom line is that we need to research supplemental products, because they are not entirely necessary, and may be completely useless, but may offer a way to obtain nutrients we could not otherwise get. So do your homework.

Weight (change since Jan 2018): 214 (-60)
Workout time: 86 Minutes
Total Distance (total since Nov 2017): 3.49 Miles (102.63)
Steps: 18,056
Goals: (1) Run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18 (2) Lose 100lbs by 12/25/18

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