I am better able to handle temptations when I am healthy. That’s not exactly obvious. On its face that statement might be seen as a mistake that should be stated the other way around: when I can handle temptations, I am healthy. In fact, both are true.

Health decisions are not always logical or even rational. And they may not even be based on feelings, and I mean physical feelings. It may not be that I feel the need to burn some energy so I go out for a run. It may just be that I am sad and want to do something that doesn’t make me sad. The same could be said for less healthy choices. I’m driving down the road, and happen to pass by a Krispy Kreme, and on the ‘spur of the moment,’ as they say, I turn around and get a six of krullers. A six? Yes, a six!

When dealing with temptation, I have found it helpful to look at the times when I yield to temptation as individual events. Regrettable, but not definitive of my entire life. So even when I’ve had that big pizza meal, if I take a walk afterward or lift weights the next day, or even check my weight the next morning, I’m not a complete failure in maintaining good health. I am making good choices also.

In the going on five years, I’ve been doing this podcast, I’ve always treated it as a journal of progress in my personal health journey. Think of the journey as a hiking trail. There will be steps up and steps down potholes and smooth sections. The same is true of our health journeys. There are ups and downs. There are potholes when we yield to temptations. But if we keep moving forward and keep focusing on the trail, our health will see the benefits of our determination and persistence.

One step at a time.


Photo by Doris Morgan on Unsplash



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