I’m in the studio today because I am still having trouble with my toe. I think I can exercise, but I can only wear my walking shoes and I need to use these special pads. I’m all out of the pads, because it looks like the healing process will take longer than I had hoped.

It’s easy for me to be down sometimes about all the setbacks such as this, that I have experienced this year. But I try to remind myself that there really isn’t much I can do about many of these problems. I have learned that my shoes are too small, but I couldn’t have known that ahead of time. I’ve even had my feet measured, and that never resulted in a larger size. So I am doing the best I can, and there’s no reason not to keep going and hope for the best. And I expect success in my health and in my life.

These are all small problems. Many people have bigger problems. I have a lot of shoes that don’t fit me now. A lot of folks don’t have shoes. Some people don’t have feet or legs. My problems are high-class problems. Things I should probably be thankful for, which brings me to the topic for today: gratitude.

In the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November. It’s a time when we thank God for our blessings. We think of the good in our lives and the abundance in the world. It’s usually a lot easier to think about the things that go wrong, the things we think we lack in life. This holiday reminds us that we have much to be thankful for.

So thank God for what you have. Thank the people in your life for what you have. And I want to thank you for continuing to listen.

Again, thanks!

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