Episode 101 was called Running A FEVER 101, and I thought it would be appropriate 100 episodes later to have something similar, not just about the show, but a summary of some things we have learned.

1. Stay active, whatever you do.

2. Count calories.

3. Seek good body composition, not a specific weight. Pay attention to how well your clothes fit, how you feel, and adjust yoru caloric intake and/or activity accordingly.

4. Be aware of medical problems and address them quickly.

5. Don’t go to extremes, either in diet (the starvation diet, which I have tried multiple times) or exercise (recall my fatal flaw, trying to exercise through a knee injury).

6. Habits are hard to break, both good habits and bad habits. Over time you get to like your habits. Love your life by making good ones, and a healthy life will happen almost unconsciously.

7. Make your environment encourage your health. Only keep healthy foods around all the time. Keep more tempting things out of reach and out of sight.

8. Don’t give up no matter what. Get back in the saddle by taking the next step. You know what works. You’ve done it before. Do the next thing so you can re-establish good habits.

9. Become an expert at your own health. See episode 135, “Teach a Man to Fish”:


Everybody likes different foods and different activities. Try things and learn from experience. If it works for someone else try it. Try lots of things. I tried edamame and quinoa, and found they were not that bad. I tried running, and that doesn’t work for me. I tried racquetball, and I love it, so I’m going to keep doing it. I tried a stationary bike, and I didn’t like it. I only do it if I have to. A flexible diet can work. It works for me if I develop good habits.

10.Love is a verb – It is something I do. Life is good because I love my life, not the other way around.
The details change as we learn more, but these 10 concepts have been well established. Now, we are ready to move forward with the next 100 episodes!

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